Help Llaw gydag astudio I Ble’r Aeth Haul y Bore?
Nodiadau adolygu ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n astudio I Ble’r Aeth Haul y Bore? gan Eirug Wyn fel llyfr gosod TGAU.
Mewn un llyfr adolygu hwylus ceir – crynodeb o’r stori, plot ac adeiladwaith cymeriadau, themau, technegau, arddull esbonio, dyfyniadau pwysig, ymarferion a thasgau pwrpasol, cymorth ar sut i ateb cwestiynau arholiad.
Addas ar gyfer Haen Sylfaenol a Haen Uwch.
Revision notes for those who study I Bler Aeth Haul y Bore? By Eirug Wyn for their Welsh Literature GCSE.The book includes all youll need to succeed!
The book includes:
a summary of the book
important quotations explained
practical exercises
support on how to answer exam questions
Suitable for Higher Tier and Foundation Tier students.Revision notes by Dafydd Roberts
Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol
Dimensiynau | 210 × 298 mm |
Age | Ages 14+ |
Language | Welsh |
Cyhoeddwr | Atebol |
Subject | Cymraeg |
Type | Revision |
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Nid oes unrhyw adolygiadau eto.