Environmental & Sustainability Policy Statement

Atebol is an award-winning publisher that develops and publishes innovative educational digital resources including interactive apps and websites, for pre-school, the Early Years and the Foundation Phase. We also develop educational print and interactive digital resources for the Primary and Secondary sectors and beyond.

Atebol specialises in developing learning and teaching resources for all settings including the home, schools and colleges. Atebol also offers a ‘one-stop shop service’ providing professional services to a range of clients who wish to develop bilingual print and multi-media materials. Our creative team include award-winning authors, professional translators, editors and proof-readers, graphic designers, app and web design developers who are able to design and develop print and digital materials for a bilingual setting.

As a responsible business we take pride in delivering a quality service, and in adding value to the local community and the wider environment. As such we are committed to proactively managing our environmental and sustainable development impacts. We abide by all relevant legislation and codes of practice and are committed to pollution prevention and the continual improvement of our sustainability impacts.

We recognise the impact that we have on the surrounding environment. In all our activities, working practices and business relationships, we will continuously work towards protecting, conserving and enhancing all aspects of our environment over which we have control or influence. To achieve this, we operate this Environmental Policy that meets the requirements of several standards and have set ourselves the following policy aims.

We are committed to: –

  • Comply with, or where practical exceed, our Compliance Obligations, both regulatory and voluntary, relating to our business activities.
  • Identify the significant environmental impacts of our company’s activities arising from raw materials, products, processes, waste and services provided and set realistic environmental objectives.
  • Continually improve the environmental performance of our company by setting environmental objectives, targets and supporting programmes.
  • Environmental Sustainability to promote optimum and efficient use of resources and energy.
  • Work towards the reduction or elimination of any actual or potential pollution.
  • Raise the awareness and understanding of all staff about the company’s environmental policy and maintain awareness of environmental issues and related matters.
  • Provide the interested parties with relevant and appropriate information and establish open and on-going dialogue with persons having a bona fide interest in the company’s activities.
  • Establish action plans to improve our environmental performance, monitoring these results and take the appropriate actions.

Our key areas of improvement focus on energy and water efficiency, waste management and our supply chain impacts.

Specifically, we plan to:

  • Monitor & manage our utilities, specifying energy and water efficient fixtures, fittings and equipment, and setting appropriate reduction targets.
  • Look for opportunities to reduce our energy & water use and associated carbon emissions, through investing in new technology & building fabric improvements, implementing equipment power downs & purchasing renewable energy.
  • Manage our raw material impacts, increasing our use of recycled and certified paper where possible.
  • Ensure pollution risks are reduced by implementation of controls following a hierarchy of elimination, substitution and administration.
  • Implement the waste hierarchy in all we do, segregating waste streams for recycling and pursuing opportunities to reduce waste throughout our operations.
  • Abide by all Duty of Care legislation and guidance.
  • Work with printers who are as equally committed to sustainability as us and introduce sustainability metrics into our procurement processes where possible.
  • Ensure all employees understand the importance of good environmental stewardship and deliver regular training to support this.
  • Wherever possible support local trades and suppliers, reducing mileage and increasing our contribution to the local economy. Including reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from business travel by extending use of video conferencing.
  • Employ locally and invest in our workforce.

We will regularly review our progress against stated targets and take remedial action in the event of us falling short of our aims & objectives. This document is a living policy, reviewed annually, and we welcome the input and comments of customers, suppliers and employees.

Atebol understands the benefits of developing Environmental Management System (EMS) to a level sufficient to gain external accreditation. We are currently hold the Green Dragon Accreditation.

Signed ……………………………………

D G Saunders-Jones